
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Green Resolutions for the New Year

I don't make New Year's Resoultions anymore that pertain to losing weight or getting better organized - but I do make Green Resolutions;  promises to myself to do better at maintaining my health, the health of my family, and the health of our shared planet. Here are my resolutions for this year:
  • Turn off all WIFI at home when computers are not in use
  • Only talk on my cell phone with a wired headset (or on speaker phone)
  • Banish cordless phones in our home
  • Only replace items in our home with items that are used and off-gassed or new and eco-friendly
  • Stop using disposable produce bags at the grocery store and remember to bring my cotton bags
  • Shop more in bulk - and always bring my own containers or bags
  • Buy butter that comes from grass-fed cows only
  • Meatless meals twice a week and only 1 serving of meat all other days
  • Avoid soy and soy lecithen in all products - with the exception of non-GMO organic edamame
  • Bike to school with my kids once a week
  • Take my kids to school on the City Bus once a week - and then walk or jog home
  • Don't drive at all one day a week
  • Start composting - even though we live in a townhouse
  • Take my kids hiking and camping
  • Plant a mobil veggie garden on our patio
  • Buy less, consume less, share more
What are your Green Resolutions? Please COMMENT and share!

1 comment:

  1. Hello :) It's Michelle from Green-Mother. I am here for a visit! You have a great site with wonderful tips :) I will be back! So nice meeting you, and see you again soon!
    Have a great, green, happy day :)
