
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All-Natural Affordable Goody Bags

Affordable All-Natural Party Bags
Last year I blogged about the super cool reusable 100% cotton Waste-Free Goody Bags my daughter's 10 party guests designed and took home for her 6th birthday. (She is still using hers as a lunch bag.) This year, for her 7th birthday, I wanted to go with an eco-friendly goody bag again (of course) but since we were now having 25 guests I wanted to go with a more affordable route. Once again, I refused to fill the bags with plastic toys or high-fructose corn syrup soaked candies. I asked my 7-year-old if she could think of any healthier, more planet friendly options and what you see pictured is exactly what she came up with (on her own):

* Pencils
* Pads of Paper
* Organic lollipops
* Organic gummy bears
* All-Natural Pretzels
* Box of stickers

I bought a stack of old-fashion brown paper lunch bags ($1 for 50) and filled them with our all-natural booty. Total cost for 25 all-natural  and 100% recyclable goody bags: $19 (Less than $1 per bag.)

Next year I hope to do a no-packaging, waste-free take-home gift. We'll probably bake the goodies ourselves and wrap them in reusable containers of some sort. We'll see. I have 11 more months to figure it out.

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