
Friday, May 30, 2014

Non GMO Alternatives for Veggie Booty and Pirate's Booty

Bearitos Veggie and Cheddar Puffs: a GMO-Free Snack Alternative

Who amongst us has not fed their toddler or elementary-age children gallons of Veggie Booty? Sure, we knew we weren't giving them REAL vegetables, but never in our wildest organic dreams did we imaging we were feeding our kids GMOs. Well, we were. For years. In my case, a whole decade. I knew most field corn crops were genetically modified, not to mention virtually all non-organic soy and canola oils. So I avoided those ingredients in breads and baked goods and thought we were safe. Somehow, it never dawned on me to think about the cornmeal and oils in my kids' beloved booty. Then one day I did. And then I "googled". And then, there it was, right there on the company's website (and still is)  "Yes, our products include some ingredients that may have been genetically modified. " 

The Pirate's Brand company admitted over two years ago to using genetically modified ingredients in their products. And have they taken any steps to change their ingredients since people started complaining? No. So guess what happened? Someone else beat them to the punch.  Bearitos, an organic chip company that's been around for decades, swooped in and created their own line of organic, GMO-free Veggie Puffs and Cheddar Puffs. And guess what? Kids love them! If your local natural foods market isn't carrying them yet, tell them to. Remind them  about the GMOs in the Pirates Brand and tell them you won't be buying that brand ever again. Only if companies lose money will they ever learn.

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